Lee un libro The Life of Our Lord de Charles Dickens Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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Reseña del editor This, the last work of Charles Dickens to be published, is a beautiful retelling of the Gospel account of Jesus. Originally handwritten by Dickens for his own children, this inspiring account was created in order that they might know more of the story Dickens called 'the best that ever was or will be known in the world.' Biografía del autor Charles Dickens is one of the most enduring and popular novelists of all time. He authored a number of classic works, including Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, A Tale of Two Cities, Great Expectations, and A Christmas Carol.
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Foreword to the first edition our favourite books this life of our lord was written without thought of publication in order that his family might have a permanent record of their fathers thoughts after his death this manuscript remained in the possession of his sisterin law miss georgina hogarth on her death in 1917 it came into the possession of sir henry fielding dickens
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